Yeshivat Drisha - Application

Yeshivat Drisha

Application תשפ”ה-- 2024-2025

Thank you for applying to Yeshivat Drisha for the coming year.

We look forward to learning about you through your thoughtful responses to the questions in this application. If you have any questions about the application, please contact and we'll help you out.

Please complete this form in full. In addition, please provide the following: 

*Two recommendations from people who know you well (see link below), at least one of whom is a teacher or administrator at your current school.

*A copy of your high school transcript

Applications are due by December 1st. Appropriate candidates will be contacted for an interview.

The application fee is $50.

Applicant's legal name
How you wish to be called by Israelis
e.g., "Plonit Somebody, mother"
e.g. "Person Lastname, legal guardian"
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach a recent photo
Please answer in approximately 150-200 words
Please answer in approximately 150-200 words
Please answer in approximately 150-200 words
Selected Value: 1
Estimate your skill (1 low, 5 high)
Selected Value: 1
Estimate your skill (1 low, 5 high)
Selected Value: 1
Estimate your skill (1 low, 5 high)
Selected Value: 1
Estimate your skill (1 low, 5 high)

Please choose EITHER question A or question B, and answer it in approximately 150-200 words.

Please submit an essay of approximately 450-600 words.

You may EITHER submit the essay that you composed for the Joint Seminary Application OR respond to one (1) of the prompts below. Please compose the essay in a separate document and attach it to this application.

Prompt 1: והלוחות מעשה אלהים המה והמכתב מכתב אלהים הוא חרות על הלוחות -- אל תקרא חרות אלא חירות, שאין לך בן חורין אלא מי שעוסק בתלמוד תורה. (אבות ו ב) Please discuss the idea presented in this text. In what ways does it resonate with your experience, and/or in what way do you find this idea challenging?

Prompt 2: Please choose a Torah text that is meaningful to you. Explain and discuss the text, and tell us why you chose it and in what ways you have found it meaningful.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
You must submit a high school transcript. Option 1: Upload your transcript here. Option 2: Have your school email your transcript to

Please send each of your recommenders the following link:

This will allow them to send their recommendation directly to us.
Provide the name of the first person you are asking to write a letter of recommendation, their position, and their relationship to you
Provide the name of the second person you are asking to write a letter of recommendation, their position, and their relationship to you