Sefira 2024 - Becoming Bat Mitzvah
BECOMING BAT MITZVAH with Dr. Shana Strauch Schick Becoming a Bat Mitzvah marks the transition to the status of adult within Jewish Law and gaining the responsibilities that follow from being obligated in mizvot. Understanding some of the key mitzvot that are now incumbent upon us-particularly those not usually taught in elementary school- and becoming familiar with the halakhic texts that explain them helps guide us through this exciting transition. Over five weeks, we will focus on specific mitzvot that are performed regularly (Tefilla, Zimun, etc), as well as those that come up throughout the year (Fasting, Megilla, Matza). We will also touch on a few more general issues, such as why Bat Mitzvah occurs at age twelve, and additional questions that arise as we delve into the material. Each class begins with an introduction of the topic followed by roughly thirty minutes of time to study the sources with a chavruta (parent or another student using ‘breakout rooms’) and then further discussion. As this class is open to girls anywhere in the world, it will also be an opportunity to learn and create connections with peers from across the globe. Background in Gemara texts is not required.
Dr. Shana Strauch Schick is a lecturer at Bar Ilan University in Israel. She holds a PhD from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. Her first book is Intention in Talmudic Jurisprudence: Between Thought and Deed (Brill, 2021).
Class meets 11:30AM Eastern, Sundays: May 5, 19, & 26; June 2 & 9.

Tuition is 150USD; financial aid is available to those in need (contact Michael:
During this program, students will have time to learn in chavruta. This can be a fun way to meet other girls from around the world, but let us know if there's an adult at home the participant would prefer to have chavruta with, or if she is registering with a friend and they want to learn together, let us know!
Share anything else that might be helpful, including accommodation notes.
Optional - if you provide us with an email for the student, we will not add her to the general email list, but we will send communications related to this program and other programs for girls. If you or she prefers that she not receive direct communications, leave this blank and we will email all pertinent materials to your email only.