Drisha Summer Kollel Application - 2025
Please use this application to apply for Drisha's Summer Kollel. In 2025, we will meet from June 23rd through July 18, with the option to join for two weeks or all four weeks. Full-Time Tuition: $700 (4 weeks) / $350 (2 weeks) Mornings: $400 (4 weeks) / $200 (2 weeks) Afternoons: $350 (4 weeks) / $175 (2 weeks) No one will be turned away due to an inability to pay; assistance of various sorts may be available. If you wish to be considered for financial aid, please fill out this form prior to submitting your application.
Nickname, pronouns, etc.
Please write a brief statement explaining how you hope learning with Drisha Kollel will fit into your learning journey and your personal life path. This should not be more than 500 words.
Please do not worry that any particular concern might disqualify you outright - we want to make sure that all of our participants have a successful summer of learning.